1. I have archived much of my life through collected objects.
2. I have moved a smaller studio, making it necessary that I get rid of a lot of these objects.
3. I have done so by using them as the raw material for one enormous collage, created inside a 30-yard dumpster.
4. Oh, also, I have photographed around 500 of these objects and will display them here, accompanied by a brief history of each item.


10.2 x 24.2 cm
When our next door neighbor Al Susskind died, his wife Marilyn gave me his camera. It was a Nikon F2. I learned how to shoot pictures on that camera. Eventually, I bought a flash and learned the art of bounce from my friend Kacy who taught me that you don't need the fancy housing they sell that fits on the flash all neat and shit; you just need a stiff white surface and some gaffer tape. Said ethos has extended into pretty much everything I do.
This was my flash card for like 4 years.

1 comment:

  1. I accidentally found your dumpster project on Lawrence St. in Brooklyn yesterday. Although I didn't get to look around for very long, I love the idea! Thank you for brighten up my lunch break.
