1. I have archived much of my life through collected objects.
2. I have moved a smaller studio, making it necessary that I get rid of a lot of these objects.
3. I have done so by using them as the raw material for one enormous collage, created inside a 30-yard dumpster.
4. Oh, also, I have photographed around 500 of these objects and will display them here, accompanied by a brief history of each item.


7.0 cm circumference
Roswell, New Mexico, 1998: Daryl and I locked horns for 13 scoreless innings of wiffle ball in a hotel parking lot (we played single out innings, mind you). The only run of the game came on a lucky grounder just inside the curb we had selected to demarcate the foul line. Though I exclusively bat lefty, I switched to the right side of the plate for that at-bat. I figured 13 scoreless innings of wiffle-ball that close to Area 51 was not going to resolve within conventional terms.
It was the top of the inning, so not a walk-off. In the bottom of the 13th, I recorded the save. Daryl was very upset.


  1. 1 on 1 for 12 scoreless? tons of pop ups? come-backers on the ground?

  2. 1 out innings, and we had a rule that a grounder to certain area was an assumed out. Clean liners were at a premium that night, and there were some pretty special catches. It was weird though, really. We played that way all summer, like 40 games across the entire country. This was an anomaly.
