1. I have archived much of my life through collected objects.
2. I have moved a smaller studio, making it necessary that I get rid of a lot of these objects.
3. I have done so by using them as the raw material for one enormous collage, created inside a 30-yard dumpster.
4. Oh, also, I have photographed around 500 of these objects and will display them here, accompanied by a brief history of each item.


6.5 in diameter x 11.5 cm
This thing is so old and cool it looks like an imitation of something old and cool. It is the packaging and remains of a cylinder record, which is exactly what it sounds like: a record on a cylinder. It was invented by  Thomas Edison, whose other inventions include: almost everything and most things.
Also, he has one of the best quotes a human has ever said with his mouth: 
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

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