1. I have archived much of my life through collected objects.
2. I have moved a smaller studio, making it necessary that I get rid of a lot of these objects.
3. I have done so by using them as the raw material for one enormous collage, created inside a 30-yard dumpster.
4. Oh, also, I have photographed around 500 of these objects and will display them here, accompanied by a brief history of each item.


28 x 21 x .1 cm
My father took me to meet 'Sweet' Lou Piniella sometime in the mid-80's. We were at a hotel convention room on some turnpike in Jersey. It was like 11am and Lou was literally purple with hangover. I asked him:  when he first heard people chanting 'LOOOOOOUU', as was custom when he made a plate appearance, did he in fact think they were saying 'BOOOOOOOOO'?
Sweet Lou grunted, probably threw up in his mouth a little, and slid this 8x10 glossy my way. I had met a hero.


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